About Lead By Example Tae Kwon Do
Lead by Example Tae Kwon Do was founded by 7th Dan Master Tommy Lightfoot and his wife, 5th Dan Master Janet Lightfoot.

We believe in offering a postive environment where students can progress in their martial arts careers by not only meeting the goals of the Curriculum, but also by setting and achieving their own goals. Lead by Example is not only the name of our studio, but it's also the philosophy that we believe in, where students are encouraged to set a good example in the studio, at home, at school and in life.
What we offer

Our studios offers a large, open workout area where students have ample room for pre-class stretching and preparation. We provide heavy bags, body shields, hand targets and kicking paddles for students to train with, as well as a stretch rail for warming up and balance training.
For parents who wish to wait while their children are taking class, we provide a comfortable waiting area where you can watch the class in progress, as well as a FREE Wi-Fi. Just as the front desk for the password to access the internet.
Tae Kwon Do

Our goal is to increase the physical and mental strength of each student. This will create confidence in all aspects of life and produce future leaders. This is achieved through traditional Tae Kwon Do, modern teaching methods and an emphasis on the 7 qualities of a champion.
Kardio Kickboxing

Our Kardio-Kickboxing classes for Teens and Adults combine punches and kicks to form one of the best calorie burning workouts, as reported by "Muscle and Fitness" magazine. In our kickboxing class, you will learn basic boxing techniques such as jabs, crosses, hooks and uppercuts, as well as some Tae Kwon Do kicks such as as front, side and roundhouse kicks. The best part of it all is that you are going to have FUN!
Birthday Parties
Make your next birthday party a Lead by Example party!
We offer 90 minutes of FUN, FUN, FUN... and a TKD class too!
Please call the location that you are interested in to book you party today and for specific details and pricing.
School Events and other services

We hold several events throughout the year including Spring Break and Summer Fun Camps and a Lead By Example Intramural Tournament. Camp excursions may include the movies, bowling, bounce house, trampoline park, mueseums, mini golf, swimming pool, chuck-e-cheeses, and much more!

Tae Kwon Do is the most popular Martial Arts in the world.
It is sometimes referred to as Korean Karate.